About the Directory:

New York Repeater Directory (NYRD) was born in 2003 as an addition to the New England Repeater Directory.  It originally included NYC Metro and Long Island, but has expanded to cover eastern New York.  The listings are a reflection of each system's true status, regardless of their coordination*.

Maintained by local volunteers of the amateur radio community, our data entry team instantly enters all changes and additions directly into the master database.  This website and the CSV file automatically refreshes nightly from the master database, ensuring that all data is always up to date.

Please help us keep NYRD a valuable resource.  If you have any information for the database that you believe needs to be added, deleted or modified, please let us know by .  Repeater information for neighboring New England can also be found at our sister site; NERepeaters.com.

Additional Sections

Database Search
Search our database by location and band to generate a custom list to your specifications.  You can also plot the results on Google Maps.  Websearch engine courtesy of Bob, K1IW.
Database Downloads

          New York City & Long Island
          Eastern New York State

Export the database in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.  This is useful for importing to radio programming software or offline viewing.  This file is exported from the master database nightly and matches the data on this site.

New York Repeater Directory Staff
  Administrators (2)  
 • AJ1L Jeffrey J. Lehmann Webmaster
 • K1IW Robert J. De Mattia Database Administrator
  Data Entry Team (6)  
 • AB1RS Richard W. Strycharz, Jr.  
 • KB1AEV Dana L. Underhill  
 • N1IMO Bernard J. Peabody  
 • N1JBC Edwin (Jed) S. Barton, IV  
 • W1DLO Daniel L. Owen  
 • W1RJC Richard J. Cabral  

Email all additions, deletions, modifications
and/or comments to the .

New York Repeater Coordination*
 • Metropolitan Coordination Association, Inc. Homepage (MetroCor)
 • Upper New York Repeater Council, Inc. (UNYREPCO)
 • Western New York Southern Ontario Repeater Council (WNYSORC)
 • Saint Lawrence Valley Repeater Council (SLVRC)
 • VT Independent Repeater Coordinating Committee (VIRCC)

* NYRD does not get involved in repeater coordination.  A repeater listed in NYRD has no bearing on its coordination.